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Clarkson and Keating: Criminal Law: Text and Materials 9th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414061620
Published: September 2017
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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Clarkson and Keating’s Criminal Law: Text and Materials examines the main principles and rules of criminal law and explores the theoretical bases upon which they are founded in an easily digestible text.

The new edition is now written and edited by Sally Kyd, Tracey Elliot and Mark Walters. The book has a completely new and improved look, using new formatting throughout, which has enhanced both its navigability and accessibility.

The authors have also spent a great deal of time carefully selecting materials from leading journals, monographs, Law Commission reports, and of course legal judgments, to ensure students have access to both clear and concise explanations of the law and further advanced analysis of legal principles.

Key updates to the text include:-

  • Explanation of new case law on self-defence in householder cases
  • Overhaul of the chapter on Participation to incorporate extensive analysis of the case of Jogee regarding joint enterprise
  • Discussion of the Supreme Court decision in Golds on diminished responsibility
Main features:
  • Includes the various recent case law and statutory developments, reform proposals from the Law Commission and academic literature
  • Designed as a text and materials volume, this text combines the best features of a standard “textbook” with those of a “cases and materials” work, offering the reader sound guidance and direction on the law, while presenting a substantial amount of key primary material selected from a diversity of sources
  • Written specifically with the law undergraduate in mind, this easily digestible text examines the main principles and rules of the criminal law and explores the theoretical bases upon which they are founded – highlighting how the criminal law is inextricably linked to fundamental issues of moral philosophy and penology