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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts 9th ed isbn 9780414073920

CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts 8th ed with 3rd Supplement

Edited by: Paul G. Cole, Stephen F. Jones, The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys

ISBN13: 9780414061330
New Edition ISBN: 9780414073920
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414050464
Published: December 2018
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as
+ £91.00 VAT
+ £59.20 VAT

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Bringing together the expertise of over 25 highly respected professionals including patent attorneys, solicitors and members of the Bar individually selected for knowledge of and insight into the subjects to which they contribute, this essential guide gives you all the tools you need to protect the rights of your clients.

  • The 3rd Supplement was published in December 2018
  • The 2nd Supplement was published in December 2017
  • The 1st Supplement was published in November 2016
  • The Main Work was published in February 2016
  • Features a unique section-by-section guide to all relevant Patents Legislation including Patents Act, Patents Rules and relevant sections of Copyright, Patents and Designs Acts >Includes the complete text of each section and of any relevant Patents Rules, Civil Procedure Rules and practice directions
  • Provides detailed commentary and analysis accompanies each section of each Act
  • Provides extensive commentary on the interpretation of each section by the UK-IPO and courts and on relevant case law of the EPO Appeal Boards
  • Explores the relevant case law of the UK courts, IP Office and EPO Appeal Boards for each section Refers to over 3300 case decisions with in-depth of analysis of both reported and significant unreported decisions
  • Offers extensive analysis of case law as it relates to each section and provides a clear guide as to what the Courts have decided and why
  • Presents practical insight into the common technical and legal issues that can arise and shows how best to handle them
  • Acts as a practical guide to the current requirements of and procedures before the UK-IPO and the UK courts
  • Offers a practical guide to the practice that has developed in relation to each section

Intellectual Property Law
Patents Act, 1977 and relevant provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 together with relevant EU treaties and directives
Full text of the Acts, section-by-section
Corresponding provisions of the Paris Convention, the TRIPS Treaty, the PCT and the EPC
UK Patents Rules and Civil Procedure Rules and Practice Directions relevant to each section
Decisions relevant to each section of the UK IP Office and courts and of the EPO Appeal Boards
Selected decisions of the US courts
Detailed commentary and analysis of the practical working of each section and of the significance of the decisions handed down under it
Coverage of developments in the fields of software, biotechnology and supplementary protection certificates for pharmaceuticals
Reference to over 3300 decided cases