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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Lindley & Banks on Partnership 20th ed with 3rd Supplement isbn 9780414069336

Lindley & Banks on Partnership 20th ed

ISBN13: 9780414060913
New Edition ISBN: 9780414069336
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414023758
Published: October 2017
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

<b><font color="#cc6600">Wildy's Book of the Month: November 2017</b></font></p> <p> <i>Lindley & Banks on Partnership</i> gives you comprehensive, authoritative and practical coverage of the law relating to both general and limited partnerships. </p> <p> This seminal text on partnerships, first published in 1860, gives you detailed commentary on all aspects of the life of a partnership, from its nature and formation to the usual contents of a partnership agreement and common areas of dispute, the liabilities undertaken by partners both internally and externally and, finally, to dissolution, winding up and insolvency. </p> <p> It also explains how partnerships are taxed. The twentieth edition covers all legal changes since the last edition, with reference to UK and Commonwealth authorities where relevant.</p> <p> New for the 20th Edition:-</p> <ul> <li>New and detailed coverage on private fund limited partnerships (PFLPs) as a vehicle for investment following the Legislative Reform (Private Fund Limited Partnerships) Order 2017 <li>Explores partners’ statutory and other rights to information and access to books, the potential impact of the restraint of trade doctrine on the partnership agreement whilst the partnership continues and the interplay of the courts’ jurisdiction over partnerships with its powers under TOLATA 1996. <li>Includes a revised and extended treatment of the vexed issue of repudiation and partnerships in the light of Goldstein v. Bishop and related decisions. <li>Considers the impact of cases such as Boghani v. Nathoo (on rights and duties under s.38 of the 1890 Act), Bates van Winkelhof v. Clyde & Co LLP (on the overlap of employment rights with partnership) and Hosking v. Marathon Asset Management LLP (on the equitable doctrine of forfeiture </ul>

Partnership Law