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Morris: The Conflict of Laws 9th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414060906
Published: July 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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Morris: The Conflict of Laws,now in its ninth edition, is one of the leading titles on the conflict of laws, covering all branches of private international law. It is unparalleled in breadth of scope and wealth of detail.

The work explains the fundamental principles of the subject and how the law works in practice. The authors' encourage critical thinking by getting readers to think about the issues which concern the working of the conflict of laws as a whole, its theoretical basis and methodology.

The ninth edition has been fully revised to incorporate the many developments in the field. Features of the new edition include:-

  • an expanded treatment of jurisdiction, now incorporating material on the practical issues in international litigation
  • a full treatment of the Brussels I bis Regulation
  • incorporation of the growing number of decisions on the interpretation of the Rome Regulations on choice of law in respect of contractual and non-contractual obligations
  • material on the conflict of laws implications of the introduction of same-sex marriage in England and elsewhere
  • a re-ordered treatment of matrimonial property and the financial consequences of divorce
  • an account of the changes in the English understanding of habitual residence, especially that of a child

Conflict of Laws, eBooks
Introduction to the Conflict of Laws
Personal Connecting Factors
Exclusion of Foreign Law
Jurisdiction: Principles and European Rules
Jurisdiction: the Traditional English Rules
Sovereign and Diplomatic Immunity
Foreign Judgments
Foreign Arbitral Awards
Matrimonial Causes
Children: guardianship and care
Children: legitimacy, legitimation and adoption
Matrimonial Property
Succession and the Administration of Estates
The Conduct of International Litigation
Technical Problems
Theories and Methods