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Terrell on the Law of Patents 18th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414060333
Published: May 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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First published in 1884, Terrell on the Law of Patents is the acknowledged leader in the field of UK patent law and litigation practice. It contains detailed commentary on all aspects of the law, together with annotated materials, and a full assessment of substantive and procedural case law. It is regularly cited in the Patents Court, the PCC, and the higher courts.

  • Provides comprehensive guidance on all aspects of UK patent law and litigation practice
  • Contains detailed commentary on the substantive law
  • Assesses substantive and procedural case law
  • Contains all relevant statutory material, fully annotated
  • Features sample precedents and pleadings
  • Discusses important recent case law
  • Supplies authoritative commentary – regularly cited in the courts

Intellectual Property Law, eBooks
The nature of patentable inventions.
The applicant and the application.
The granted patent.
The specification.
Construction of the specification and claims.
Grounds of revocation.
Patent infringement.
Amendment of specifications.
Devolution, assignments and licenses, coownership and registration.
Compulsory licenses (abuse of monopoly) and licenses right.
Action mfor infringement. Remedies for infringement.
Revocation proceedings.
Declaration of noninfringement.
Action to restrain threats.
Use by the Crown, income tax, stamps, etc.
Precedents and pleadings.