Residential Posession Proceedings will help you whether you represent a landlord wanting to possess a property of a tenant trying to prevent this happening
Explains how a landlord or mortgagee can
effect possession of a property or how an
occupant can prevent an order for possession
being made
Complements practitioners’ workflow, going
step-by- step through the principles of the
law and then the procedures involved
Deals with the different types of tenancies,
such as assured tenancies, secure
tenancies and regulated tenancies, and
different housing situations, including
student accommodation, agricultural
accommodation, mobile homes, shared
accommodation, resident landlords and
housing co-operatives.
Looks at the issues from both landlord and
tenant viewpoints
Shows how the possession principles apply
in all the different types of tenancies and
housing situations
Explains court procedures, including
evidence requirements
Covers the human rights and discrimination
issues relating
to possession
Reproduces statutory extracts, giving access
to all relevant material within the one
Provides the tools for each stage of
proceedings, including court forms with
guidance on how they should be used
Features checklists of key information to help
ensure nothing is overlooked