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Woodroffe and Lowe's Consumer Law and Practice 10th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414056411
Published: October 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £31.95
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The new 10th edition of Woodroffe and Lowe's Consumer Law and Practice:-

  • Presents a concise but comprehensive guide to consumer law
  • Focuses on the types of problems most likely to arise or be encountered in real life and uses examples to explain how the law deals with such situations
  • Centred on domestic law including legislation transposing EU Directives
  • Explains all the OFT Approved codes of practice
  • Provides a selection of County Court precedents supplied by a District Judge which highlight the practical applications of this book
  • Popular text for both undergraduate and Legal Practice students as well as being used by specialist and non-specialist practitioners and non-lawyers requiring information in this field

Consumer Law, eBooks
Part I: The Consumer and the Civil Law
“They say it isn’t mine”
“It’s a good little bus”
“It doesn’t work”
“It will cost £1,000 to make them safe”
“Do I have to pay?”
“What are my remedies?”
“They say that I have signed away my rights”
“These small print terms seem very unfair”
“How do I enforce my rights without going to court?”
“What happens if I go to court?”

Part II: The Consumer and the Criminal Law
“The description misled me”
“The price was wrong”
“The goods aren’t safe”
Crime and compensation

Part III: Administrative Control
Fair Trading

Part IV: Special Protection in Credit Transactions
The background to Consumer Credit
“What agreements are caught by the Act?”
Control of business activities
“I can’t remember what I signed”
“Can I get out of the agreement?”
“The goods are defective”
“I have lost my credit card”
“I can’t afford to pay”
“I want to see my credit file”
Proposals for reform
The European Union dimension