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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Birds' Modern Insurance Law 11th ed isbn 9780414071001

Birds' Modern Insurance Law 10th ed

ISBN13: 9780414055674
New Edition ISBN: 9780414071001
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414023307
Published: March 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as
+ £7.00 VAT
+ £4.20 VAT

Birds’ Modern Insurance Law provides an analysis of the increasingly complex legal rules affecting contracts of insurance – the author aiming throughout to offer a concise explanation of the fundamental principles of insurance law in a straightforward and accessible manner.

  • Presents a concise yet analytical explanation of the fundamental principles of insurance law, written in a accessible and straightforward manner - Gives students the comprehensive guidance on the law of insurance they need in order to do well in their studies, and provides legal and insurance professionals with a reference guide they can use to look up information quickly
  • Covers everything from the history of insurance and regulation through to the various forms of insurance such as life, and liability - Covers everything they need in one easy, lucid book
  • Analyses the increasingly complex legal rules affecting contracts of insurance - Ensures readers have a thorough understanding of the rules
  • Written by Professor John Birds, the acknowledged expert in the field - Readers benefit from the author’s years of knowledge and insight gained from teaching insurance law
  • Provides a more distinct treatment of consumer insurance law as opposed to commercial insurance law - Focuses students on the area of law which forms the main part of their course; and which legal and insurance professionals need help with most
This new edition features updates to the previous edition, including details of the forthcoming Insurance Act, assuming no Parliamentary problems, that are set to come into force in 2016.

Insurance Law
Introduction: the nature and definition of Insurance and Insurance Law
The Regulation of Insurance
Insurable Interest
Formalities and Formation of the Insurance Contract
Insurers’ Repudiations of Policies and Liability – General Considerations
Utmost Good Faith – fraud, non-disclosure and misrepresentation
Warranties and Conditions
Construction and Causation: risks covered and risks excepted
Claims under the Policy
Payment under the Policy – the measurement of loss
Contribution and Double Insurance
Life Insurance
Liability Insurance
Motor Vehicle Insurance
Employers’ Liability and Other Compulsory Insurances