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Riley on Business Interruption Insurance 10th ed

ISBN13: 9780414055520
New Edition ISBN: 9780414088450
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780421925809
Published: June 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Celebrating its 60th year and dedicated to providing detailed and practical advice, Riley is the industry authority on business interruption insurance. It offers guidance on policy wordings, coverage, and claims in the UK and US, as well as comparing these models with other jurisdictions, making it a leading reference for legal practitioners and insurance brokers.

Its main features:

  • Examination of the practice, strategy and procedure of business interruption insurance around the world.
  • Covers more than 30 perils including explosions, earthquakes, riots, malicious damage, floods, theft, fire, and disease.
  • Overview of business interruption insurance and discusses standard policy wordings, defines key terms, and provides example settlement formulas.
  • Covers all aspects of claims processes, calculations, and settlements.
  • Compares worldwide business interruption cover in 30 countries across Europe, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific region.
  • Comparative analysis of the UK and US models and the policy wordings in both jurisdictions.
  • Analyses policy wordings, highlighting common pitfalls.
  • Explains how recurring claims issues can be addressed by the wording of the policy and how they can be resolved in practice.
Highlighted new commentary includes:

  • Updated legal analysis to reflect the new Insurance Act 2015 and potential provisions of the Enterprise Bill.
  • Case law has been reviewed and updated, with additional commentary on the most significant decisions.
  • Up-to-date coverage of developments in relation to recovery of losses under the Riot (Damages) Act
  • New commentary on developing non-damage covers as well as insurance of the cyber threat
  • New market sector coverage of media and communications, renewable energy. Expanded/updated content of the waste management and environment services and power generation sectors.
  • Additional discussion on the mis-selling of interest rate hedging products.

Insurance Law
Section 1 Overview
1. Measurement of loss of future earnings – the basis of business interruption insurance
2. The framework of the cover – policy form
3. Operation of the cover

Section 2 Establishing the basis of cover required
4. Risk management & self insurance
5. Perils (United Kingdom)
6. Gross profit, gross earnings or increase in cost of working: specifications and definitions
7. Maximum indemnity period
8. Calculating the amount to be insured
9. Additional clauses and items
10. Dependency extensions
11. Special forms of insurance and risks
12. International considerations

Section 3 Claims
13. Claims – the process
14. Claim calculation
15. Claim settlements

Section 4 Current and future developments
16. Current and future developments