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Confidentiality 3rd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414054974
Published: December 2012
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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This work pulls together a disparate and fast-developing subject to provide comprehensive guidance on the law of confidentiality and its impact on different areas of law.

It examines the historical origins of the action for breach of confidence, the present state of the law, and discusses possible solutions in areas of uncertainty. It also deals with confidentiality in relation to particular professions, including medical advisers, bankers, journalists, teachers, clergy, employees and lawyers, and covers confidentiality in the legal process.

This new edition has been updated throughout and includes detailed analysis of high profile and groundbreaking cases such as:-

  • Mosley v News Group Newspapers Limited,
  • Ministry of Defence v Griffin
  • and R (Corner House Research & Another) v Director of Serious Fraud Office.
Confidentiality 3rd edition:-

  • Details what can and cannot be protected as confidential, and what constitutes abuse of confidential information
  • Demonstrates which relationships give rise to duties of confidence
  • Explains how confidentiality affects different professions and goes through the codes and rules that apply to each
  • Illustrates how confidentiality operates within the legal process, with guidance on legal professional privilege and public interest immunity
  • Discusses the implications of the Data Protection and the Freedom of Information Acts
  • Goes through the remedies available
  • Examines confidentiality in arbitration and mediation

Corrected reissue of ISBN 9780414041363

Data Protection, eBooks, Privacy and Confidentiality
The History and the Development
The Claimant and Standing to bring Proceedings
The Defendant
The Action of Declarator in Scotland
The Future.