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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Commercial Leases in Scotland: A Practitioner's Guide 4th ed isbn 9780414085558

Commercial Leases in Scotland: A Practitioner's Guide 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780414054264
New Edition ISBN: 9780414085558
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414018624
Published: February 2016
Publisher: W. Green
Country of Publication: Scotland
Format: Hardback & CD-ROM
Price: Out of print

It is vitally important for those dealingwith commercial leases in Scotland to have a practical, easy-to-use guidetaking you through all aspects of increasingly complex transaction. The 3rd Edition of Ken Gerber’s text fulfils this role. This is anything but a dusty, unwieldy book, and is instead a tool providing plain English answers to any reallife queries you may have relating to commercial leases.

The text has been expanded and considerably updated since the previous edition in 2011, taking in all relevant changes to the law since that time. Major new legislation covering long leases, land registration and Land and Building’s Transaction Tax are covered, while thefull treatment on repairs and dilapidations has been significantly enhanced.

Author Ken Gerber has worked to develop the practical nature of the book, making it easier for you to find the requiredknow how and work your way through complex issues. He has added four new chapters to this edition, in line with developments in this area of the law. These cover licensed premises and also premises for renewables. There is also a practical newchapter aimed at developing skills in negotiating and revising a lease.

Commercial Leases in Scotland provides comparative commentary on the relevant provisions under English law, impartinga far deeper understanding of this legal area and allowing solicitors andsurveyors to understand the differences between the systems when seekinginstructions from clients outside Scotland. To enhance ease of use, the book contains tables of statutes, cases and a glossary of Scottish commercial leasing terms.

Commercial Leases in Scotland is the go-to resource for anybody working in this area.

Scots Law
Doing the Transaction: Commercial and Practical Points;
Leases and Licences;
Common Law and ImpliedTerms;
Statutory Provisions;
Conversion of Ultra Long leases to Ownership: The Long Leases Act 2012
Missives of Lease;
Premises, Rights and Reservations
Use Clause and Keep-openObligations;
Rent and Other Payments;
Rent Review—Procedure;
Rent Review—Valuation;
Repairs ;
Assignation, Sub-letting and Other Dealings in the Tenant’s Interest
Tenant’s Works and Alterations;
Other Termination of Leases;
Tacit Relocation andRenewal of Leases ;
Guarantees ;