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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Glanville Williams: Learning the Law 17th ed isbn 9780414069084

Glanville Williams: Learning the Law 16th ed

ISBN13: 9780414051935
New Edition ISBN: 9780414069084
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414028234
Published: August 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

First published in 1945, Glanville Williams: Learning the Law has been introducing new and prospective law students to the foundation skills needed to study law effectively for almost 70 years.

Presenting an overview of the English Legal System and covering the essential legal skills that students need to master if they want to succeed both in their legal studies and in their future careers, this is a must-have book for all new law students.

This title is of particular interest to undergraduate students on the LLB, postgraduate students on the GDL. It is particularly important as reading to prepare for a law degree, and offers practical advice and guidance throughout the formative year of study.

Glanville Williams: Learning the Law is the classic introductory text for all those starting out in law:-

  • Conveys to the would-be Law student what might be in store should he or she decide to study law
  • Covers the English legal system, the vocabulary of law, and tips and techniques for the study and practice of law
  • Identifies the broad range of legal careers and provides useful tips on applications
  • Ends with a section of recommended reads to bring further insight and inspiration to the young lawyer
  • Conceived by the late, great Glanville Williams QC, Professor, scholar, and highly influential writer about the law; updated since 12th edition by Tony Smith, criminal barrister and Professor of law
This edition features important updates to the law and legal industry since the previous edition.

English Legal System, Legal Skills and Method
The Divisions of the Law
The Mechanism of Scholarship
The European Dimension
Methods of Study
Technical Terms
Case Law Technique
The Interpretation of Statutes
Working Out Problems
Answering Essay Questions
In the Exam Room
Moots, Mock Trials and other
Legal Research
From Learning to Earning
General Reading