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From Student to Solicitor: The Complete Guide to Securing a Training Contract 2nd ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414051546
Published: June 2015
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £17.95
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From Student to Solicitor is the definitive guide to becoming a solicitor in England and Wales. Written in a clear and engaging style, this book takes you through the academic, vocational and practical stages of tne process, with tips and advice throughout.

The author draws on her own experiences and on interviews with solicitors, recruitment managers, law lecturers, careers advisors, students, and trainee solicitors, to provide a unique insight into a career as a solicitor, together with up-to-date and targeted recruitment advice, and practical guidance on the recruitment process.

New to this edition:-

  • Coverage of SRA Training Regulations 2014 and SRA Training for Tomorrow reform programme
  • Development of legal apprenticeship schemes
  • New chapter on brand development and social media Extended guidance on commercial awareness
  • New case studies from solicitors in practice
  • Extensive practical advice on how to sell your experiences to recruiters and how to develop effective responses to questions on application forms and during interviews.
From Student to Solicitor is essential reading for anyone who has aspirations of a career as a solicitor, including A Level students, undergraduate law and non-law students, GDL and LPC students, or those looking for a change of career.

Legal Skills and Method, eBooks
Section 1: A career as a solicitor
Section 2: Choose your Route
Section 3: Study
Section 4: Gain Experience and enhance your CV
Section 5: Choose an area of legal practice
Section 6: Find a training contract
Section 7: Secure your training contract
Section 8: The training contract and beyond