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A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Procurement Law in Ireland 2nd ed isbn 9780414121348

Procurement Law in Ireland

ISBN13: 9780414050976
New Edition ISBN: 9780414121348
Published: September 2018
Publisher: Round Hall Press
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: £376.00

In stock.

This new text provides an overview of the principles of public procurement, thresholds and exclusions for public contracts, notification and procurement procedures, framework agreements and dynamic purchasing, and remedies and redress. It is an extensive evaluation of the substantive and procedural provisions applying to public procurement in this jurisdiction. This is a key text for legal practitioners and those working in the area of public procurement in local authorities, Government departments, utilities and potential contractors and bidders in the private sector.

Recent changes in the area include:

  • Directive 2014/24 replacing Directive 2004/18 (Classical/Public Sector Directive)
  • Directive 2014/25 replacing Directive 2004/17 (Utilities Directive)
  • Directive 2014/23 (new Directive on Concession Contracts)
Key features:

  • Extensive evaluation of public procurement law in this jurisdiction
  • Consolidates relevant Irish procedures on notification of tenders and the procurement process
  • Analyses the relevant procedures for reviewing the procurement process and seeking redress
  • Analyses public procurement from a legal and practical perspective
  • Deals with EU Directives and transposing national legislation and case law

Irish Law
Introduction and Principles of Procurement
Contracting Authorities
Types of Contracts, including Public Works Contracts, Public Supply Contracts and Public Service Contracts
In-House Procurement and Exemptions
Award Criteria
Social and Environmental Considerations
Electronic Procurement and Electronic Auctions
Open and Restricted Award Procedures
Negotiated Procedures
Competitive Dialogue
Framework Agreements
Dynamic Purchasing
Remedies and Redress
Procurement and Competition Law