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MacGillivray on Insurance Law: Relating to all Risks Other than Marine 14th ed isbn 9780414067493

MacGillivray on Insurance Law: Relating to all Risks Other than Marine 13th ed

ISBN13: 9780414050723
New Edition ISBN: 9780414067493
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414024663
Published: October 2015
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

MacGillivray on Insurance Law is the most authoritative work for analysis of the law and legislation governing non-maritime commercial insurance and risk.

The 13th edition provides detailed analysis of the highly significant Insurance Act 2015 and outlines its impact on the law of warranties, good faith, and remedies.

It is part of Sweet & Maxwell’s Insurance Practitioners Library and is an essential title, providing guidance and clarification at a crucial time for the insurance industry.


  • Comprehensive commentary on non-maritime commercial insurance, including analysis of the law, latest cases, and legislation
  • Explains the principles and rules governing commercial insurance, risk and loss and their practical application
  • Authoritative guidance on the highly significant Insurance Act 2015
  • Extensive detail on the key subjects of good faith, warranties, and the duty of disclosure
  • Explains the rules on the formation, drafting, and termination of insurance contracts
  • Considers different classes of insurance business, including life insurance, personal accident policies, fire policies, motor vehicle, and aviation insurance
  • ompares English law with Scotland, the US and the Commonwealth
Highlighted new commentary includes:

  • Examination of the Insurance Act 2015 – the most significant statutory change to UK commercial insurance in over 300 years
  • New chapter on the Insurance Act 2015
  • Detailed review of the key changes to the law concerning the duty of fair presentation and remedies
  • The role of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 in insurance contracts
  • Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (recast)
  • A significant volume of new case law, including International Energy Group Limited v Zurich Insurance Plc. and Western Trading Ltd v Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK)

Insurance Law
Section 1: General Principles
1. Nature of Insurance and Insurable Interest
2. Formation of the Contract
3. Form of the Contract
4. The Period Prior to Issue of the Policy
5. Execution and Delivery of Policy;
6. Commencement and Termination of Risk
7. Payment of Premium
8. Return of Premium
9. Salvage Premiums
10. Warranties and Other Policy Terms
11. Construction of Policies
12. Rectification
13. Conflict of Laws
14. Illegality
15. Mistake
16. Misrepresentation
17. Good Faith and the Duty of Disclosure
18. Fraud, Misrepresentation and Non-Disclosure by Third Parties
19. Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012
20. The Loss
21. The Claimant
22. Reinstatement
23. Subrogation;
24. Rights of Two or More Insurers

Section 2: Particular Classes of Business
25. Life Insurance
26. Personal Accident Policies
27. Property Insurance: Fire Policies
28. Property Insurance: Other Insurances on Property
29. Third Party Risks
30. Motor Vehicle Insurance
31. Aviation Insurance
32. Insurance Against Pecuniary Loss;
33. Contractors’ Risks Policies
34. Reinsurance

Section 3: Parties
35. Insurance Companies
36. The Course of Business at Lloyd’s
37. The Role of Agents in Insurance Business;