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Parker & Mellows: The Modern Law of Trusts 9th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414050532
Published: September 2008
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £37.95
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This classic text sets out the underlying principles which govern this area of law and explores in a very practical fashion the administration of trusts. A J Oakley draws on a wealth of experience in both teaching and practice to provide the reader with a thoroughly updated and accessible guide to the law and the overall function of trusts.

  • Sets out the underlying principles which govern this area of law
  • Uses a practical framework to explore the administration of trusts
  • Incorporates all key legislation and case law
  • Covers the many changes that have taken place since publication of the previous edition, including the many changes in the areas of charities, taxation of trusts, and pensions
  • Gives a greater understanding of how trusts operate, making it an essential aid for both students and practitioners

Equity and Trusts, eBooks, External LLB Titles
The Classification of Trusts
The Essential Ingredients of a Trust
The Formal Requirements for the Creation of a Trust
The Constitution of a Trust
Discretions and Powers
Legality of a Trust
Protective Trusts
Implied or Resulting Trusts
Constructive Trusts
Charitable Trusts
Pension Trusts
The Appointment, Retirement and Removal of Trustees
The Administration of Trusts
The Taxation of a Trust Apportionments
Income from the Trust Fund
Applications of Trust Capital
The Position of a Beneficiary under a Trust
Trustees’ Remuneration and Benefits
Variation of Trusts
Breach of Trust
Trusts in the Conflict of Laws;
Exporting Trusts The Classification of Trusts
The Essential Ingredients of a Trust
The Formal Requirements for the Creation of a Trust
The Constitution of a Trust
Discretions and Powers
Legality of a Trust
Protective Trusts
Implied or Resulting Trusts
Constructive Trusts
Charitable Trusts
Pension Trusts
The Appointment, Retirement and Removal of Trustees
The Administration of Trusts
The Taxation of a Trust Apportionments
Income from the Trust Fund
Applications of Trust Capital
The Position of a Beneficiary under a Trust;
Trustees’ Remuneration and Benefits
Variation of Trusts
Breach of Trust
Trusts in the Conflict of Laws
Exporting Trusts ;