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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Byles on Bills of Exchange and Cheques 30th ed isbn 9780414064966

Byles on Bills of Exchange and Cheques 29th ed

ISBN13: 9780414049406
New Edition ISBN: 9780414064966
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780421952805
Published: November 2013
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

First published in 1829, Byles on Bills of exchange and Cheques explains the law relating to payment instruments and their use by banks and their customers, and is frequently cited in courts as an authority on the subject.

It provides a detailed narrative account of the law of bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques, dealing with the law under the Bills of Exchange Act 1882, and its subsequent evolution, including the Cheques Acts 1957 and 1992.

This edition traces the development of the law through recent legislation and case law, bringing the reader up to date with the law as it stands today.

  • Explains the attributes of the variousinstruments, considering their form, transfer, discharge, dishonour, and duties, rights and liabilities of the parties
  • Covers foreign bills and conflict of laws issues
  • Provides step-by-step analysis of court proceedings involving bank payments, including form of action, pleading and evidence, damages, interest and costs
  • Examines forged bills, lost bills and payments make by mistake
  • Shows how the law of principal and surety applies to bills
  • Discusses insolvency and bills of exchange

Banking and Finance
Part One
1. Nature, Purpose and Definition
2. Form of Bills and Notes
3. Payee and Drawee
4. Inchoate Instruments
5. Inland and Foreign Bills and Notes, Bills in a Set and Copies
6. Capacity
7. Liability on a Bill
8. Transfer and Negotiation
9. Modes and Requisites of Transfer
10. Acceptance
11. Duties of Holder as to Acceptance
12. Presentment for Payment
13. Discharge-I
14. Discharge-II
15. Dishonour-Notice
16. Dishonour-Notice and Protest
17. Liabilities of Parties
18. Rights of Parties
19. Consideration
20. Alteration and Forgery

Part Two
21. The Cheque-I
22. The Cheque-II
23. The Cheque-III

Part Three
24. The Promissory Note
Part Four
25. Conflict of Laws
Part Five
26. Procedure-I: Form of Action, Parties and Summary Judgment
27. Procedure-II: Pleading and Evidence
28. Damages, Interests and Costs
29. Limitation of Actions
Part Six
30. Lost Bills and Notes
31. Bill or Note as Payment
32. Payments made under a Mistake
33. The Law of Principal and Surety in its Application to Bills and Notes
34. Insolvency of Parties
