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Offshore Civil Procedure: Guernsey, Jersey, and the Isle of Man: Guernsey, Jersey, and the Isle of Man

ISBN13: 9780414048775
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £222.00

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This new work is set to become the White Book of British offshore jurisdictions. It brings together in one text the civil rules of court for Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man, together with statutes and other enactments, setting out local and other cases and supplying a commentary on them, in the style of, and with cross references to, the White Book itself.

  • Provides a single reference text on civil litigation in the three British offshore jurisdictions – Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man
  • Covers offshore jurisdictions not currently covered by the White Book
  • Explains each jurisdiction's rules and local characteristics
  • Includes the civil procedure rules for each jurisdiction
  • Follows the layout of the White Book – rule followed by commentary
  • Sets out local and other cases and supplies commentary on them
  • Cross-refers and compares each jurisdiction to others and to England
  • Contains cross-referencing to the White Book
  • Includes court forms
  • Covers such topics as Commencement of Proceedings, Service, Case Management, Disclosure, Evidence, Injunctions, Interim Remedies and Costs

Channel Islands, Courts and Procedure
Proceedings in the Royal Court of Guernsey and Court of Appeal
Proceedings in the High Court of Justice of the Isle of Man and Staff of Government Division
Proceedings in the Royal Court of Jersey and Court of Appeal.