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Handbook of Investment Arbitration: Commentary, Precedents and Models for ICSID Arbitration

ISBN13: 9780414044647
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardcover
Price: £305.00

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The Handbook of Investment Arbitration presents rule-by-rule commentary on the widely used ICSID Rules on investment treaty arbitration.

Aimed at the arbitration practitioner, it makes the principles and procedures fully understandable and provides the detailed references required to deal with complex procedural issues as they arise during the investment treaty arbitration process.

  • Provides detailed guidance for private counsel and governments on how to conduct an ICSID arbitration
  • Goes through the ICSID arbitration process from start to finish
  • Examines each of the ICSID Arbitration Rules in turn
  • Explains procedure in detail, such as what has to be filed with each document, applications for judgments, the requirements of an award, enforcement of awards and their annulment
  • Analyses the substantive issues that are particular to investment arbitration, such as the fair and equitable treatment standard and no expropriation without compensation
  • Makes reference to the key provisions of BITS from specific countries, such as USA, UK, France and the Netherlands and also with reference to NAFTA
  • Discusses the unique features of annulment, recognition and enforcement of ICSID awards, with reference to the main awards to date
  • eatures a comprehensive set of models and precedents for ICSID arbitration, such as the Request for Arbitration, Preliminary Objection on Jurisdiction, Claimant's First Memorial, and Application for Annulment
  • Reproduces all the relevant ICSID materials so they are easily available for reference, including the ICSID Convention, the Administrative and Financial Regulations and IBA Rules on Conflict of Interest
  • Presented in a style that is simple and direct so that it will be easily accessible to readers around the world

International Investment Law, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Section One: The Rules.
Section Two: The Substantive Issues with key references
to BITs and NAFTA.
Section Three: Models, Precedents and Examples.
Section Four: Appendices and Further Materials.