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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Project Finance: A Legal Guide 5th ed isbn 9780414067080

Project Finance: A Legal Guide 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780414042391
New Edition ISBN: 9780414067080
Published: August 2013
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £441.00

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Negotiating the rapidly changing markets of projects, energy and infrastructure requires extensive knowledge of all issues involved? Project Finance can help.

Guiding you through the legal and commercial issues involved, Project Finance explains current market practice in the increasingly important project, energy and infrastructure market and how various techniques are used and adapted in different sectors.

With significant changes in the global economy over the eight years since the last edition published, project development and the funding of infrastructure and energy assets and businesses have quickly evolved. The new edition helps you stay up-to-date with detailed coverage of the changing nature of the industry.

The New 4th edition:-

  • Recognises the expansion of projects beyond their power and energy roots, covering the infrastructure market in depth
  • Charts the rise of independent financial equity in the projects, energy and infrastructure sectors (whether private funds, specialist infrastructure or energy funds, pension funds or sovereign-controlled funds) and its effects
  • Describes the rise (and in some places fall) of nuclear power, policy-driven investment in diverse renewable sources of power, the development of increasingly larger LNG projects and the continued evolution of the IPP model using traditional thermal fuel sources
  • Includes new sections dealing with the importance of investment treaties and supporting public international law in the making of an investment or lending decision and the critical role of export credit agencies, multi-lateral agencies and DFIs, including an update covering important proposed changes to the Equator Principles
  • Explains the impact of regulatory change in the bank markets on the project finance bank market

Construction Law, Banking and Finance
The Parties Objectives
Running a Competition
Structuring the Bid
Types of Vehicle
The Contractual Framework
Principle Finance Documents
Sponsor Support,
Security and Related Issues
Projects in Trouble
Insurance Issues
Export Credit and Multilateral
Other Issues
Some Specific Areas of
Project Finance
LNG Projects
Public Private