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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
A Practitioner's Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights 6th ed isbn 9780414070530

A Practitioner's Guide to the European Convention on Human Rights 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780414038776
New Edition ISBN: 9780414070530
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414042421
Published: December 2015
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This is a practical and detailed guide to taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights.

The new 5th edition explains the principles of the European Convention, and sets out its key provisions, case law, court procedures and considerations for each type of case, ensuring practitioners have everything they need for practising in the Court.

  • Explains step-by-step the what, when, how and why of introducing applications to the European Court
  • Gives a full explanation of the Convention’s principles and approach
  • Contains detailed summaries of relevant case law and their implications
  • Advises on dealing with a range of problem areas
  • Highlights the remedies and damages that can be expected in a detailed section dealing with just satisfaction awards
  • Includes a helpful checklist on the admissibility of cases so that practitioners can establish the likely outcome of their case
  • Fully updated covering both the key procedural matters and points of principle established in recent case law
  • Reproduces a selection of source material, including practice directions, precedent application forms and tables of fees and damages awards

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Practice and Procedure: Procedure
before the European Court of Human Rights
Admissibility Checklist
Convention Principles and
Sources of case law and information.
Problem Areas: Fair Trial Guarantees
Others. Just
Satisfaction: General Principles
Pecuniary Loss
Non-pecuniary Loss
Legal costs and Expenses
Default Interest. Appendices.