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Administrative Law 7th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414037991
Published: August 2012
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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Administrative Law provides a detailed and clear examination of what is a conceptually difficult area of law. Craig’s thorough and contextual approach to the subject has prompted thought, discussion, and understanding amongst all those interested in the subject.

The seventh edition has been extensively revised and updated to take account of the numerous developments in administrative law since the last edition published in 2008.

Administrative Law is of relevance to those who are interested in the administrative system and those whose primary interest lied in judicial review. It provides a clear and readable exposition of a complex area of law, making it an invaluable text for students and academics alike.

Constitutional and Administrative Law, eBooks
Part One: The Administrative System
The Nature and Purpose of Administrative Law
The Administrative System: A Historical Perspective
Parliament and the Executive
Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies
Contract, Service Provision and Governance
Local Government, Local Governance and Democracy
Devolution, Wales and Scotland
Information, Standards and Complaints
Tribunals and Inquiries
The European Community
A Case Study: Competition and Regulation

Part Two: Judicial Review
Natural Justice: Hearings
Natural Justice: Bias and Independence
Jurisdiction and Error of Law
Review of Fact and Evidence
The Human Rights Act and Judicial Review
The Human Rights Act, Judicial Review and Equality
Failure to Exercise Discretion
Abuse of Discretion: Illegality
Abuse of Discretion: Irrationality, Reasonableness and Proportionality
Abuse of Discretion: Legitimate Expectations
Rule Making

Part Three: Remedies
The Judicial Remedies
Remedies and Reform
Remedies: Exclusion of Review
Public Interest Immunity and Crown Liability
Tort and Restitution