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Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade 12th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414037939
Published: September 2012
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: £61.95
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Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade, now in its twelfth edition, is the leading text in the field of international trade law and provides the reader with a comprehensive treatment of the subject including the sale of goods, finance and transportation of exports, insurance, customs law and long-term contracts

Schmitthoff: The Law and Practice of International Trade:-,

  • Has been the leading text in the field of international trade law for almost 50 years
  • Provides a concise account of the law and practice of international trade
  • Examines the sale of goods, finance and transportation of exports, insurance, customs law and long-term contracts
  • Includes a new chapter on the World Trade Organisation, expanded coverage of international commercial dispute resolution including developments in arbitration law and practice, and an expanded chapter on European Union and United Kingdom competition law
  • Discusses the latest case law and legislative developments plus updated to take account of UCP 600, as well as coverage of the EU Judgments Regulation, and the electronic commerce and electronic data interchange

International Trade, eBooks
Part 1: International Sale of Goods
Part 2: Finance of Exports
Part 3: Transportation of Exports
Part 4: Insurance of Goods in Transit
Part 5: International Commercial Dispute Resolution
Part 6: Construction and Long Term Contracts
Part 7: Customs Law
Part 8: Marketing Organisations Abroad
Part 9: Market Information
Part 10: Standardisation, Unification, E-Commerce and EDI
Part 11: The World Trade Organisation