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Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence 9th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780414037649
Published: October 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ProView)
Price: £39.95
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Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence is the leading textbook on jurisprudence in the English-speaking world. It enables the reader to develop a good understanding of the theories of the different schools of jursiprudence, and to appreciate the contributions made to legal theory by leading jurists and others from the Ancient Greeks to the postmodernists.

This ninth edition includes new chapters on The Philosophy of Human Rights; Globalisation and the Legal Order; and Law, Language and Literature; together with over 30 new extracts from modern sources, bringing the debate right up to date.

  • The leading textbook on jurisprudence in the English-speaking world, covering the whole field of jurisprudence
  • Combines an authoritative text with extracts from a huge variety of authors, extracting the works of more than a hundred jurists
  • Gives critical insight into the texts with detailed and well-documented introductory sections
  • Examines the contributions made to legal theory by leading jurists from the Ancient Greeks to the postmodernists
  • Covers Aristotle, Raz, Habermas, Unger, Coleman, Perry, Kramer, Nelken and Iris Marion Young
  • Contains a chapter on Dworkin’s interpretivism, as well as sections on the theory of human rights, on Bourdieu’s legal thought, on Nussbaum’s ‘frontiers of justice’, on global justice, and on Murphy’s natural law
  • Places emphasis on Hart, particularly the “Postscript” and the commentary this has provoked
  • Includes such modern jurists as Mark Murphy, Gustav Radbruch, William Edmundson, Kent Greenawalt, Scott Hershovitz, Gerald Postema and Jeremy Waldron

Jurisprudence, eBooks
The nature of jurisprudence
Meaning of the law
Natural law
Bentham, Austin and classical positivism ;
Pure theory of law
Modern trends in analytical jurisprudence ;
Theories of Justice
Sociological jurisprudence and the sociology of law ;
American realism
The Scandinavian realists
Historical and anthropological jurisprudence
Marxist theories of law and state
Critical legal studies
Feminist jurisprudence ;
Postmodernist jurisprudence
Critical race theory
Theories of adjudication