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Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice 11th ed (Book & eBook Pack)

ISBN13: 9780414037557
Published: July 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Book & eBook Pack (ProView)
Price: Out of print
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The new edition of Wills, Administration and Taxation Law and Practice:-

  • Applies a practical approach to a subject which forms a large part of the work of many solicitors
  • Provides invaluable guidance for both students studying the LPC or BPTC and those new to practice
  • Deals comprehensively with tax considerations, the substantive law and also covers drafting, probate practice and procedure
  • Uses precedents, examples of frequently used forms and worked examples to present a clear, practical picture of the operation of the law
  • Covers the implications of the 50% rate of income tax payable by many trusts
  • Includes a wealth of key case law, for example recent decisions on statutory and mutual wills

Wills and Probate, eBooks
Is there a valid will?
Inheritance tax
Capital gains tax
Income tax
Taxation of trusts and settlements
Probate jurisdiction
Obtaining the grant (non-contentious cases)
Powers and duties of personal representatives
Practical considerations during administration
Duties of solicitors
Protection of personal representatives
The payment of debts
Legacies and devises
Construction of wills
Completing the administration
Post-mortem alterations
The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975
Disposing of property otherwise than by will
Planning and drafting a will