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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Banking Regulation: A Global Guide From Practical Law 3rd ed isbn 9780414061873

Banking Regulation: Jurisdictional Comparisons 2nd ed

Edited by: Rene Bosch

ISBN13: 9780414035362
New Edition ISBN: 9780414061873
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781908239136
Published: August 2014
Publisher: European Lawyer
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Banks are among the most highly regulated institutions in the country, with a large number of laws and regulations that govern their activities. Financial markets govern the world of today and regulation has become so important to the way financial markets operate especially in recent times.

This publication offers a comprehensive overview of Banking Regulation across 25 jurisdictions. Topics covered include: Authorities, Regulators, Banking licenses, organisation of banks, liquidity and capital adequacy, consolidated supervision, shareholders in the acquisition of banks, resolution and bail out regimes to regulatory developments.

Leaders in the world of Banking Regulation law have come together to open the forum of commentary in this legal profession. This book should be a staple in any legal professional practising in the area of Banking Regulation.

Other Jurisdictions , Banking and Finance
1. Regulatory Framework – Overview

2. Authorities, Regulators
2.1. Supervisory Architecture – Nature, Characteristics
2.2. Lead Bank Regulators
2.3. Other Authorities
2.4. Role of Central Bank

3. Banking License
3.1. Characteristics, Nature
3.2. Regulated Activities, Scope of License
3.3. Licensing Procedure
(parties involved, nature and form of application, duration, cost, licensing decision)

4. Forms of Banks
4.1. State-owned Banks
4.2. Universal Banks | Commercial and Retail Banks
4.3. Investment Banks
4.4. Private Banks
4.5. Other Banks
4.6. Regulation of SIFIs
(Systemically Important Financial Institutions)

5. Organisation of Banks
5.1. Corporate Bodies – Corporate Governance
5.2. Organisation
(Requirements, Corporate Documents, Audit Function etc)
5.3. Auditors and other Experts
5.4. Risk Management
5.5. Supervision of Management
5.6. Compensation
5.7. Special Rules for SIFIs?

6. Liquidity and Capital Adequacy
6.1. Role of International Standards (Basel III, FSB, etc)
6.2. Liquidity Requirements
6.3. Capital Adequacy Framework
6.4. Special Requirements for SIFIs

7. Consolidated Supervision
7.1. Role of Consolidated Supervision
7.2. Requirements
7.3. International Coordination and Cooperation among Regulators

8. Shareholders, Acquisitions of Banks
8.1. Reporting of Significant Shareholdings
8.2. Approval Requirements
8.3. Foreign Investments
8.4. Acquisition of Banks

9. Resolution and Bail-in Regimes
9.1. Liquidation – Legal Framework
9.2. Resolution Regime
9.3. Bail-in Regime