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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Walsh on Criminal Procedure 3rd ed isbn 9780414118300

Walsh on Criminal Procedure 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780414035041
New Edition ISBN: 9780414118300
Previous Edition ISBN: 1858002230
Published: November 2016
Publisher: Round Hall Press
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Walsh on Criminal Procedure is a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of criminal procedure from police powers of investigation right through to post-sentencing processes. The second edition responds to recent developments by offering a comprehensive, expert and accessible analysis of all aspects of Irish criminal procedure. A consistent theme throughout is an emphasis on comprehensive detail and clarity with the needs of both prosecution and defence in mind.

New to this Edition

  • Nine new chapters, including: Basic principles and values; Criminal justice institutions; Jurisdiction; Surveillance; Initiation of criminal proceedings; and District Court proceedings and trial.
  • Major expansion of the chapter on Sentencing to incorporate the increase in range of: direct sentencing options and requirements; ancillary sentencing options; post-sentencing orders; and forfeiture and confiscation
  • Major expansion of the chapter on ?Appeals? to include the range of options for the DPP to challenge acquittals
  • Major expansion of chapters on Garda powers and procedures to include increase in range and substance of Garda powers on: detention; encroaching on right to silence; accessing evidence; retaining print and DNA evidence; and stop and search
  • Expansion of bail chapter to include: further restrictions; disclosure obligations, and monitoring
  • Expansion of trial evidence chapter to include developments on: admissibility of witness statements; admissibility of Garda opinion evidence; presumptions; admissibility of electronically recorded evidence; advance disclosure of expert evidence; and disposal of property to be used as evidence
  • Coverage of investigative and law enforcement powers of a wider range of agencies, including: Revenue Commissioners, Immigration officers, social welfare officers and fisheries officers.
  • More substantive treatment of relevant jurisprudence from the European Court of Human Rights

Irish Law