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Megarry's Manual of the Law of Real Property 9th ed

Edited by: Philip Rainey, Michael Walsh, Piers Harrison, Daniel Dovar

ISBN13: 9780414032064
Previous Edition ISBN: 0421717904
Published: May 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £34.95

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A classic and leading textbook on the law of real property, giving a succinct account of all the major topics commonly taught on land law modules.

  • New edition after a gap of 12 years, reworked to suit the modern students of property law
  • Opening chapter summaries give a concise overview of what is coming up
  • Suggestions for further reading (books and articles) enable readers to easily broaden their knowledge in a targeted manner
  • Case summaries (the facts and principles)
  • Diagrams throughout aid understanding of key ideas and principles
  • A larger number of shorter chapters containing focussed discussion of subject matter will enable the student reader to easily identify chapters relevant to their area of study
  • Restructured in line with developments in the law of real property since the 8th edition.
  • Coming into force of the Land Registration Act 2002 – each chapter will be revised to incorporate the effect of this Act
  • Throughout all the chapters the authors will incorporate commentary on where the law on human rights has developed since the last edition.

Property Law
Estates and Fixtures
Law and Equity
The Structure of Modern Land Law
Registered Title
Sale of Land: Contracts, Conveyancing and Land Charges
Trusts and Real Property
Proprietary Estoppel
Nature and Creation of Lease
Determination of Tenancies
Rights and Duties of the Parties Under a Lease or Tenancy
Leasehold Covenants
Easements, Profits and Incorporeal Heriditaments
Freehold Covenants
Adverse Possession and Limitation Periods