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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Sale of Shares and Businesses: Law, Practice and Agreements 5th ed isbn 9780414064515

Sale of Shares and Businesses: Law, Practice and Agreements 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780414031784
New Edition ISBN: 9780414064515
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414045163
Published: December 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback & CD-ROM
Price: Out of print

The new edition of a comprehensive guide to the acquisition of businesses in the UK, whether the acquisition is structured by way of a purchase of shares or a purchase of assets.

This title includes comments and explanations on the main issues which arise on such transactions. In addition to commentary, precedents are included in paper and electronic formats.


Guidance for every sale of a business

  • Gives guidance on every part of the sale of business so you can make sure everything is covered and nothing is missed out
  • Helps you draw up agreements for every type of business client using examples drawn from all sizes of transactions from the sales of small business to multi-million pound deals
  • Helps you represent either the buyer and the seller
  • Goes through both sale of shares and the sale of assets so whichever way the business is being bought, you’ll have all the right advice and correctly drafted documents to give to your clients
Start to finish advice on the process

  • Covers pre-acquisition or disposal of a company so you can be fully prepared for negotiations over the sale of a business
  • Outlines the general principles of due diligence and in particular financial and legal due diligence helping you make sure the agreement for sale is based on a true reflection of the value of the business
  • Gives guidance on the key components of a sale agreement so you can draft and check your documents with confidence
  • Includes details on warranties and indemnities so you can ensure you have made provisions for the possible problems that may arise post-sale
  • Covers specialist areas for example, pensions, tax and employment law issues so you’ll be able to quickly find out what the law says on these areas, if they are relevant to the agreement in hand
Draft in-line with current developments

  • Helps you ensure your agreements are in-line with the latest developments on company and commercial law
  • Updates on the final implementation of CA06
  • Shows how property and environmental issues may affect the sale of businesses
Full set of precedents included to save you time drafting

  • Includes a CD-ROM full of all the precedents related to the sale of a business including: acquisition agreements, board minutes and power of attorney precedents
  • Enables you to draft documents more quickly as it gives you precedents on CD-ROM to use as a basis for drafting, or to select the relevant clauses as you need them
  • Saves you time as you can easily find and copy the precedents and clauses you need from the CD-ROM into your own documents

Commercial Law, Company Law, Mergers and Acquisitions


Deal structures - shares or assets?
First Steps - Methods of Sale and Marketing
Heads of terms and exclusivity
Conditions precedent - consents, approvals, releases etc
Due diligence - general principles
Due diligence – financial
Due diligence – legal


Sale and purchase agreements - share sales
Sale and purchase agreements - assets sales
Warranties and indemnities - general principles
Tax covenants, tax deeds and tax warranties
Paying the purchase price - consideration structures


Sale by Individual/Trustee Sellers – Main Tax issues
Sale by Corporate Sellers – Main Tax issues
Stamp duties
Accounting for acquisitions
Financial assistance
Competition law issues
Property issues
Environmental issues
Pensions issues


Offers for unquoted companies
Dealing with a listed company
Buying from Receivers and Administrators
Sales and Purchases of Technology Businesses


Due diligence guide