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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Trust Taxation and Estate Planning 4th ed with 2nd Supplement isbn 9780414062122

Trust Taxation and Estate Planning 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780414028548
New Edition ISBN: 9780414062122
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414043350
Published: August 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as
+ £45.00 VAT
+ £29.30 VAT

The new edition of Trust Taxation provides in-depth reference on tax planning for trusts. It explains the different inheritance tax, capital gains tax and income tax regimes and how they apply to specific trusts and to real-life scenarios.

Throughout, potential problem areas are highlighted alongside clear, practical advice for sound tax planning. Precedents are also provided for dealing with a variety of situations.

  • Covers the tax consequences of creating and ending a trust, as well as the tax issues to consider during the lifetime of each type of trust and on distributions to beneficiaries
  • Uses specific scenarios to explain how the taxes are applied
  • Advises on the most appropriate trusts to use in varying situations
  • Describes how past and present schemes worked and what legislation has been introduced to counteract them
  • Advises on how to review current trust arrangements and explains what action may need to be taken
  • Takes into account recent legislative and case law developments
  • Considers administration issues for personal representatives
  • Examines specific planning arrangements, including the family home
  • Includes sample tax calculations, precedents, flow charts and checklists to guide practitioners through the tax maze
  • Covers specialist areas such as Bare Trusts, Reverter to Settlor Trusts and trusts for children

Equity and Trusts, Taxation
Capital Gains Tax.
Inheritance tax.
Specialist topics.
Appendices, precedents, miscellaneous material.