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Index to Legal Citations and Abbreviations 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780414028517
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847036049
Published: October 2013
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £199.00

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This classic Index by Donald Raistrick reveals the meaning of over 30,000 legal abbreviations. These range from the most up-to-date additions to this edition to those in use for centuries, and cover the legal literature of the UK, the Commonwealth, Europe and the USA.

It supplies date ranges for law reports, series and journals, and does it all in a complete alphabetical listing in one sequence, to make locating the abbreviation quick and easy.

Given the voluminous number of publications around the world referred to in abbreviated form in citations, the Index is invaluable for all those who regularly, or even occasionally, encounter legal references. There is no other book with as comprehensive and international a listing.

  • Supplies the most comprehensive listing of abbreviations and acronyms used in legal citations and references of any book
  • Includes hundreds of new entries since the last edition, bringing the book up to date with current legal literature
  • Offers an international scope by providing a broader geographical range than any similar book, covering the legal literature of the UK, the Commonwealth, Europe and the USA
  • Provides a simple A to Z listing making locating any abbreviation or acronym quick and easy
  • Covers more than just abbreviations for law reports and journals – includes organisations, legal terminology and other words that are commonly abbreviated such as certain Acts of Parliament
  • Provides a handier and quicker means of finding an abbreviation than using online sources
  • Gives beginning (and where applicable, end) dates for many of the law reports, series and legal journals