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A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
Securities Law 3rd ed isbn 9780414068049

Securities Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780414028456
New Edition ISBN: 9780414068049
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847033291
Published: November 2013
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardcover
Price: £293.00

Low stock.

Securities Law is a comprehensive treatment of securities regulation, providing you with an in-depth guide to explain how everything works and fits together.

Including a full account of the new UK regulatory structure as it applies to securities law, the book also gives you a detailed explanation of the changes at EU level and their impact on securities regulation.

The new 2nd edition:-

  • Includes coverage of UK and EU regulation of securities
  • Analyses the impact of the Financial Services Act 2012 on securities law in the UK, and the effect of the Larasiere Report on securities regulation across the EU
  • Covers the full range of securities issues, including shares, bonds and securitised derivatives
  • Discusses the liability of those responsible for the preparation of prospectuses for losses suffered by investors under private law and statute
  • Explains the criminal law on insider dealing, fraud under the Fraud Act 2006, general offences under FSMA 2000, and the regulation of market abuse more generally
  • Analyses the implication of MiFID, Prospectus Directive, Transparency Obligations Directive, and most recent version of the FCA Handbook
  • Explores the regulation of the Alternative Investment Market (AIM)
  • Advises on the securities law implication arising from takeovers
  • Includes guidance on the allotment of shares and other company issues
  • Explains the application of corporate governance norms to securities regulation

Banking and Finance
Overview of securities law
Sources of securities law
EU securities regulation
UK financial services regulation
Corporate governance
Financial promotion
Transparency obligations
The Listing Principles
Admission to listing
Maintenance of listing
Discontinuance of listing
The Alternative Investment Market
Private law liability in the issue of securities
Criminal law liability in the issue of securities
Allotment of shares and related company law issues