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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Joint Ventures: A Global Guide From Practical Law 2nd ed isbn 9780414050983

Joint Ventures: Jurisdictional Comparisons

Edited by: Gianmatteo Nunziante

ISBN13: 9780414026773
New Edition ISBN: 9780414050983
Published: November 2012
Publisher: European Lawyer
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Joint Ventures is the essential reference book for JVs worldwide, covering over 30 major jurisdictions. Contributors are leading experts from the private practice in their own jurisdiction, deeply involved in trans-border transactions.

Commercial Law
Domestic Family of Companies
Corporate Joint Ventures
Joint Venture document restrictions on foreign languages
Involvement of public officers in Joint Ventures
Public sector authorisation of Joint Ventures
Formal requirements to validate Joint Ventures
Joint Venture instrument usage in economy
Joint Venture established purpose
Foreign currency in share capital
Statutory to the duration of a Joint Venture
Statutory limits to number of member of participating to a Joint Venture
Public sector involvement in a Joint Venture
Statutory constraints in a Joint Venture
Conditions to avoid de facto company/partnership
Joint Venture members incurring losses or rewards
Antitrust rules, guidelines and/or policies applicable to a JV agreement
Restrictions/regulations of parties involved in Joint Venture
Limits/restrictions of member involvement
Constraints by Law or Jurisdiction to Joint Venture
Public sector approval for Joint Venture termination

Foreign Company as a member of the JV
Foreign country member’s involvement in Joint Ventures
Foreign party Joint Ventures permission in Jurisdiction
Economic and financial incentives for foreign investment in Joint Venture
Mandatory minimum equity investment and/or contributions by Foreign Joint Venture members

Jurisdictional Coverage:
1. Belgium Altius
2. Italy Nunziante Magrone
3. Canada Borden Ladner Gervias
4. Turkey B & B Legal Office
5. Albania Shuke Law
6. Bulgaria Boyanov & Co.
7. Mexico Solcargo
8. India Fox Mandal
9. Hungary S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann - Noerr
10. Russia S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann - Noerr
11. Slovakia S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann - Noerr
12. Romania S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann - Noerr
13. Czech Republic S.P.R.L. Menzer & Bachmann - Noerr
14. UK Nabarro LLP
15. Spain Roca Junyent
16. France August & Debouzy
17. Germany GSK Stockmann
18. Netherlands LOYENS & LOEFF N.V.
19. Syria Kardous Law Office
20. Ukraine Arzinger
21. Mozambique Arzinger
22. Serbia Karanovic & Nikolic
23. Poland Wardynski i Wspólnicy sp.k.
24. Slovenia Jadek & Pensa
25. Australia Minter Ellison Lawyers
26. Mongolia Minter Ellison Lawyers
27. China Minter Ellison Lawyers
28. Hong Kong Minter Ellison Lawyers
29. Japan Anderson Mori Tomotsune
30. USA Seyfarth Shaw LLP;