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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Private Antitrust Litigation: A Global Guide From Practical Law 2nd ed isbn 9780414051256

Private Antitrust Litigation: Jurisdictional Comparisons

Edited by: Bernardine Adkins, Sam Beighton

ISBN13: 9780414026544
New Edition ISBN: 9780414051256
Published: December 2012
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

With antitrust laws being enacted in an ever-growing number of jurisdictions, private antitrust litigation presents clear opportunities, as well as apparent risks, to companies worldwide.

In particular, investigative and enforcement activities are increasingly being undertaken by antitrust authorities globally. This, in turn, has seen a marked rise in the number of actions commenced by parties claiming to have suffered loss as a result of infringements identified by these authorities.

However, while enforcement activities gather apace, in many jurisdictions private antitrust litigation remains a developing area of law - meaning that any such actions can give rise to a wide range of complex issues for claimants, defendants and courts alike.

To this end, Private Antitrust Litigation is intended to serve as a single point of practical reference for businesses and practitioners when considering the merits of commencing, defending or settling private antitrust litigation.

In addition to providing an overview of the current legal framework applicable in each jurisdiction, this publication identifies emerging trends and any currently unresolved legal issues. It also considers the commercial benefits and risks associated with specific litigation approaches and strategies.

Competition Law, Comparative Law
Legal basis for bringing Private Antitrust Litigation Actions
Parties to Action
Limitation periods and Forum
Standard of Proof and Liability
Cost and Timing
Pre-Trial Applications
Evidence and Legal Privilege
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Settlement or Discountenance of an Action
Proceedings at trial
Available defences
Available remedies

Jurisdictional Coverage:
1. Austria
2. Belgium
3. Cyprus
4. Czech Republic
5. Greece
6. Iceland
7. Ireland
8. Italy
9. Malta
10. The Netherlands
11. Norway
12. Russia
13. Scotland
14. Slovakia
15. South Korea
16. Turkey
17. UK.