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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Lewin on Trusts 19th ed with 4th Supplement isbn 9780414024373

Lewin on Trusts 19th ed

ISBN13: 9780414024366
New Edition ISBN: 9780414024373
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414026704
Published: December 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardcover
Price: Out of print

Lewin on Trusts is one of the great legal textbooks, regarded as the definitive text on the subject of the law of trusts. It is a key mainwork of the private client list and is frequently cited in court. Lewin provides you with the definitive guide to trust law and practice, covering the definition, classification and creation of trusts, trustees, beneficiaries, administration, breach of trust and remedies, and variation of trusts.

The essential new edition:-

  • A fully updated treatment of shams and, following Pitt v Holt, mistake and the re-stated principle in Re Hastings-Bass
  • An exposition of all recent statutes affecting trusts, including the Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 2009, the Trusts (Capital and Income) Act 2013, the Presumption of Death Act 2013 and the Inheritance and Trustees’ Powers Act 2014
  • A modern text on bribes and other unauthorised profits, after FHR European Ventures LLP and the Bribery Act 2010
  • A consideration of the vexed topic of limitation of trust claims in the light of Williams v Central Bank of Nigeria
  • A comprehensive account of the rules governing jurisdiction and choice of law in trust disputes, including disputes arising out of constructive trusts
  • A detailed statement of the law of co-ownership by cohabitants, as found in Jones v Kernott and later decisions
  • The fullest treatment of trusts arising under mutual wills and the Married Women’s Property Act
  • A discussion of confiscation and the civil recovery of the proceeds of crime as they impinge on trustees
  • New material on knowing receipt by a company and on the attribution of knowledge to a company in cases of fraud
  • An extensively revised account of the court’s powers in trust cases and the relevant procedural rules, including the incidence of costs and the new powers of costs management and costs capping

Equity and Trusts
Definition, classification and creation of trusts.
The trustees.
The beneficiaries and beneficial interests.
Administration of the trust property.
Breach of trust and remedies.
Lawful departure from the trusts.
Money laundering.