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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Construction All Risks Insurance 2nd ed isbn 9780414056534

Construction All Risks Insurance

ISBN13: 9780414024328
New Edition ISBN: 9780414056534
Published: March 2014
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Construction All Risks Insurance offers comprehensive analysis of Construction, Engineering and Erection All Risks (CAR) insurance as understood in English Law. It is essential for construction and insurance lawyers and other professionals, contractors and developers and their insurers. It contains detailed, practical advice for all those dealing with CAR coverage and claims, and for those involved in disputes in this area.

  • Sets out the basics of CAR insurance, explaining its historical development
  • Covers the structure of a modern standard CAR policy
  • Explains formation and placing of CAR insurance
  • Discusses the interpretation of CAR policies, giving practical drafting advice
  • Explains the law relating to rectification, fortuity, loss and damage
  • Examines the wide range of exclusions that can apply to CAR policies
  • Deals with extensions to cover including Advance Loss of Profits and Public Liability
  • Includes precedents of standard insuring clauses in construction contracts
  • Goes through the claims procedure, including detailed discussion of the processes and potential problems that can face practitioners once a claim has been made
  • Provides a comprehensive analysis of the difficult areas of causation and coinsurance
  • Looks at other types of All Risks insurance including marine, property and aviation

Insurance Law, Construction Law
Part 1: An introduction to Construction and Engineering All Risks
1. Introduction
2. Risk allocation in construction
3. Structure of a typical CAR policy

Part 2: The Basis of CAR Insurance
4. Insurance requirements in construction and engineering contracts;
5. Formation and placing of insurance
6. Misrepresentation, Fraud and the Duty of Good Faith;
7. Interim Insurance

Part 3: Policy and Structure
8. The Policy
9. The Insured
10. Insured Property
11. Fortuity
12. The indemnity
13. Warranties and other terms
14. Construction and Rectification
15. Loss & damage

Part 4: Exclusions
16. Standard exclusions
17. Defects & Defect Exclusions

Part 5: Extensions
18. Extensions to Cover
19. Public Liability

Part 6: Claims
20. Causation
21. Co-Insurance
22. Claims Procedure
23. Proof
24. Payment

Part 7: Other types of All Risks cover
25. Marine
26. Aviation
27. Property

28. Standard insuring clauses in construction contracts;