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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Law of International Trade: Cross Border Commercial Transactions 6th ed isbn 9780414065925

Law of International Trade: Cross Border Commercial Transactions 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780414023253
New Edition ISBN: 9780414065925
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781847033444
Published: May 2013
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Law of International Trade: Cross-Border Commercial Transactions provides readers with a comprehensive and up to date treatment of all key aspects of private international trade law.

  • Demonstrates to readers how international trade law operates in its political, economic and business contexts and includes analysis of both theoretical and doctrinal issues
  • Provides a clear and concise explanation of the theoretical framework and the legal principles which underpin the law against the background of modern trade documentation and export practice
  • Incorporates example contractual clauses, forms and diagrams to demonstrate how the law works in practice
  • Offers an important treatise of the subject, examining legal complexities in cases and materials
  • Sets out summaries of the more significant cases and, where relevant, cases from the EU, Commonwealth and other countries are discussed
  • Includes increased coverage of the Vienna Convention on International Sales, and the International Air, Road and Rail Carriage of Goods regimes
  • Discusses recent legal developments, including, the Rome I and Rome II Regulations, the final draft UNCITRAL Transport Convention, UK insurance law reform, URR725 and the UCP 600
  • Provides footnotes to guide further and more detailed research into key topics
  • Discusses latest case law: Scottish & Newcastle International; Premium Nafta; Lesotho Highlands Development Authority; The Front Comor; Freeport plc; Datec Electronics; The Achilleas; MSC Amsterdam; Stemson; Dadourian; Shamil Bank; The Golden Victory, and many others

International Trade
Introduction and Context
International Sale of Goods
Terms under the Sale of Goods Act 1979
Remedies in International Sales
Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods
Bills of Lading
Carriage of Goods by Sea - the common law
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971
Carriage of Goods by Air, Road and Rail
Marine Insurance for Cargo
Payment and Finance for International Trade
Civil and Commercial Jurisdiction
Choice of Law for Contractual and Non-Contractual obligations
Recognising and Enforcing Foreign Awards
Alternative Dispute Resolution