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Dundas & Bartos on the Arbitration 2nd ed (Scotland) Act 2010

ISBN13: 9780414019270
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780414017726
Published: August 2014
Publisher: W. Green
Country of Publication: Scotland
Format: Paperback
Price: £123.00

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Now, at a vantage point to look back at how the legislation has performed and how it has affected the use and conduct of arbitration under Scots Law, the authors provide detailed commentary on and interpretation of each provision of the Act in the context of case law before and after 2010, the Arbitration Act 1996, and international jurisprudence.

While considerably in-depth this title is designed to be used as a practical tool and easily referenced source of answers for arbitrators, arbitration lawyers and others.

Key features of this book:

  • Provides key guidance from two expert authors involved in the drafting of the Act
  • Offers a detailed commentary and interpretation of each provision of the Act
  • Contains a wealth of detail, the authors having considered over 700 cases since 2010
  • Explains modern Scottish arbitration law in the context of the historical background of the legislation
  • Covers comparative English and other arbitration laws and ECJ and ECtHR judgments
  • References UNCITRAL Model Law and the UNCITRAL, ICC and LCIA Rules

Scots Law

Series: Greens Annotated Acts

Out of print
Out of print
Out of print
Bartos and Meston On the Succession 6th ed (Scotland) Act 1964 ISBN 9780414019386
Published July 2015
W. Green
Licensing 3rd Ed (Scotland) Act 2005 ISBN 9780414018204
Published November 2013
W. Green
The Town & Country Planning Act (Scotland) 1997 ISBN 9780414017207
Published November 2009
W. Green
Out of print
Publication Abandoned