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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts 8th ed isbn 9780414050464

CIPA Guide to the Patents Acts 7th ed

Edited by: Paul G. Cole, Stephen F. Jones, The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys

ISBN13: 9780414018631
New Edition ISBN: 9780414050464
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780421957404
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

The 7th Edition of the CIPA Guide is a fully updated version of this established work, acknowledged since 1980 as a must-have for any practitioner advising on patents.

Its purpose has remained unchanged since first publication: “The broad aim has been to provide a manual for reference, if not daily, at least whenever any doubt arises on the provisions of the Act or Rules and above all on the practice under them”.

Since publication of the 6th Edition in 2009 the flow of significant new material has been relentless, including revisions to the Patents Rules, the Civil Procedure Rules and EU Regulations and landmark decisions of the UK Courts, the EPO Appeal Boards and the US courts, which is of increasing significance to UK and European practitioners. This new edition fully evaluates and incorporates these developments, helping practitioner's to stay on top of the many changes.

Compiled by a team of 34 professionals including patent attorneys, solicitors and members of the Bar, individually selected for their knowledge of and insight into the subjects to which they contribute, this essential guide gives you all the tools you need to protect the rights of your clients

  • Features a unique section-by-section guide to the Patents Act, 1977 and relevant provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988
  • Includes the complete text of each section and of any relevant Patents Rules, Civil Procedure Rules and practice directions
  • Provides extensive commentary on the interpretation of each section by the UK-IPO and courts and on relevant case law of the EPO Appeal Boards
  • Refers to over 3300 decisions of the UK IP Office and courts and of the EPO Appeal Boards
  • Includes in-depth of analysis of both reported and significant unreported decisions
  • Acts as a practical guide to the current requirements of and procedures before the UK-IPO and the UK courts
  • A trusted and authoritative text with an easy to follow layout making your research quicker and easier
  • The first port of call for both patent prosecutors and litigators needing access to current law and practice

Intellectual Property Law
Foreword – Professor Sir Robin Jacob
Guest Foreword – Chief Judge Randall Rader
Arrangement of sections
Amendments to Patents Act 1977
Sections and Schedules with: Relevant Rules; Commentary and Practice
Titles of Rules with cross-references to text locations
Arrangement of sections in Parts V and VI
Sections 274–295 with Commentary
A: History of United Kingdom Patent Law
B: Supplementary Protection Certificates
C: The Biotechnology Directive
D: The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
E: Civil Procedure Rules (Extracts)
F: Part 63 of the Civil Procedure Rules
G: Patents Court Guide and Patents County Court Guide
H: Patent Attorney and Trade Mark Attorney Qualification and Registration Regulations 2009
I: Rules for Examination and Admission of Individuals 2011
J: Rules of Conduct for Patent Attorneys, Trade Mark Attorneys and Other Regulated Persons
K: Special Rules of Professional Conduct Applicable to Regulated Persons Conducting Litigation or Exercising a Right of Audience Before the Court.