Legal Research Skills for Scots Lawyers edition 2 is a fully revised edition of this user-friendly guide to researching Scots law. The only up-to-date legal skills text dedicated to Scots law, this title provides advice on effective and efficient research techniques for both paper and electronic information sources.
Information sources available to Scots lawyers are constantly evolving. Electronic and paper-based information sources are both detailed, along with search strategies and techniques that assist in effective location of relevant material. The author evaluates the properties of each information source, enabling you to assess their usefulness and validity in relation to your own work and studies.
This book addresses specifically Scottish materials as well as UK wide, European and international materials, covering all areas of law relevant to the Scots lawyer.
Additionally the book addresses research skills, including; the investigation process; how to read, evaluate and reference the material researched; and how to make use of research findings to produce high quality pieces of work.