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Money Laundering

ISBN13: 9780414014459
Published: July 2009
Publisher: W. Green
Country of Publication: Scotland
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This new title provides a clear, comprehensive guide to a complex area of Scottish law which affects everyone who works in the financial services industry and everyone who opens a bank account. The law is analysed and explained with reference to the Money Laundering Directive and the work of the Financial Action Task Force, as well as to the important guidance issued by the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group.

The first part of the book explains and discusses the offences and investigative tools. The second part of the book reproduces the statutory material with annotations which are intended to deal with the technical nuts and bolts of the law.

  • Announced as: Proceeds of Crime

Scots Law
Introduction; the nature of money laundering; development of the law
European and international law, especially the Third Money Laundering Directive
Substantive money laundering offences
The Money Laundering Regulations, including consideration of the key concept of customer due diligence
Reporting requirements
Investigatory powers
Tipping off offences
Terrorist financing