The Scottish Planning Encyclopedia, edited by The Hon. Lord Gill, assisted by Malcolm Thomson, Q.C., contains all the important legislation and quasi-legislation governing this particularly complex area of the law. With a selection of narrative contributions from leading professionsals and a plethora of statutes of statutes, statutory instruments, NPG's, NPPGs and PANs, this is the most comprehensive planning manual available.
PLANNING UPDATE The subscription service for the Scottish Planning Encyclopedia also includes the updating bulletin Planning Update. This planning law current awareness service brings you details of all the legislation and quasi-legislation that has been promulgated since the previous release of the Encyclopedia. Published four times per year Planning Update features updates on new legislation, including statutes and S.I.s, all new NPGs and NPPGs, PANs and Circulars as well as digests of relevant cases.
Subscription Information: 3 updating releases per year. The first year's updating issues are supplied as part of the initial purchase price. Subscribers are then charged annually for subsequent updating. Any time start annual subscription for this title. We will contact you before renewal each year to ascertain whether you wish to renew your subscription.
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