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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
A Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law 4th ed isbn 9780414016934

A Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780414010505
ISBN: 0414010507
New Edition ISBN: 9780414016934
Published: September 2001
Publisher: W. Green
Country of Publication: Scotland
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This is an essential book for the busy criminal lawyer and for students of criminal law. Concise, practical appreciation of how the law works is combined with analysis of the reasoning behind decisions. A Casebook on Scottish Criminal Law brings together all the important cases in one volume.

Scots Law
sPart I: General principles of criminal responsibility. - General characteristics and sources of Scottish criminal law - The anatomy of a crime - The Actus reus: acts, omissions and states of affairs - The mental element in crime - Strict liability, vicarious liability and corporate liability - Inchoate offences - Art and part - Defences - CausationsPart II: Offences against the person - Assault - Reckless injury and reckless endangerment - Miscellaneous offences against the person - Sexual offences - Homicide and related matterssPart III: Offences against property interests - Theft, embezzlement and temporary deprivation - Robbery and extortion - Fraud, forgery and uttering - Housebreaking, opening lockfast places and preparatory offences - Reset - Damaging and destroying propertysPart IV: Offences against public interests - Offences against public order and decency - Offences against the couse of justice.