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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Statutory Interpretation in Australia 10th ed isbn 9780409354768

Statutory Interpretation in Australia 9th ed

ISBN13: 9780409350579
New Edition ISBN: 9780409354768
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780409340563
Published: August 2019
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Legal disputes nowadays almost always involve some element of statutory interpretation. An understanding of the rules and approaches evolved by the courts and parliaments to determine the meaning of legislation is essential to anyone involved in advising persons, including governments, of their legal rights and obligations. This book has for over 40 years been the principal guide in Australia to the interpretation of legislation. It is regularly cited by all levels of the court system.

The 9th edition has been restructured to make access to the many cases that provide guidance to the application of the various rules of interpretation more accessible and also to make the book more readable. It has also been rearranged to take account of the publication of Professor Pearce’s new book Interpretation Acts in Australia, 2018. The case law and legislation have been updated to include changes that have occurred since the publication of the last edition in 2014.

Particular regard has been paid to the general statements of the High Court explaining the modern approach to statutory interpretation. In the foreword to the 8th edition of this work the then Chief Justice of the High Court, the Honourable Robert French AC, said: ‘The book is lucid, well organised and eminently readable, whether from cover to cover or by topical chapter or section. Importantly, it brings to judges, practitioners, teachers and students a comprehensive account of what is, in principle and practice, perhaps the most important subject area in the day-to-day working of the legal system.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia, Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Drafting
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Approaches to the Interpretation of Legislation
Chapter 3 Extrinsic Aids to Interpretation
Chapter 4 Intrinsic or Grammatical Aids to Interpretation
Chapter 5 Legal Assumptions: Principle of Legality
Chapter 6 Interpretation Acts and Sections
Chapter 7 Interpretation of Repealing Acts, Amending Acts and Acts Incorporating Other Legislation
Chapter 8 Interpretation of Consolidating, Reprinted and Codifying Acts
Chapter 9 Interpretation of Remedial, Penal and Fiscal Provisions
Chapter 10 Retrospective Operation of Legislation
Chapter 11 Obligatory and Discretionary Provisions
Chapter 12 Drafting Conventions and Expressions