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Workplace Investigations: Principles and Practice

ISBN13: 9780409347654
Published: October 2018
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £96.00

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Investigations: Principles & Practice is the conduct of workplace investigations has become commonplace in Australian workplaces over the last decade. The recent rapid growth and evolution of a fair, robust and reliable workplace investigation process, which can withstand the scrutiny of courts and tribunals, calls for the clear articulation of the principles, processes and practices in this important and expanding area.

Written by a team of highly experienced legal and investigations professionals Workplace Investigations: Principles and Practice details fundamental legal principles and accepted practices and processes for workplace investigations.


  • provides clear articulation of the principles, processes and practices in workplace investigation
  • examination of specialised investigations such as those arising from bullying and sexual harassment allegations
  • written by highly experienced legal and investigations professionals

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Part One
1. Workplace Investigations and the Emergence of an Australian Profession
2. Workplace Investigation Overview
3. Intitial Considerations and Steps
4. Planning the Investigation
5. Management of a Successful Workplace Investigation
6. Drafting Allegations
7. The Requirement of Procedural Fairness
8. Categories and Sufficiency of Evidence in Workplace Investigations
9. Gathering Evidence
10. Conducting Workplace Investigation Interviews
11. Legal Professional Privilege
12. Workplace Investigator Ethics
13. Writing and Submitting the Investigation Report
Part Two
14. Investigations into Allegations of Bullying,
15. Sexual Harassment Investigations
16. Disability Discrimination Investigations
17. Investigations Involving Allegations of Criminal Conduct
18. Investigations Involving Allegations of Corruption
19. Public Interest Disclosure and Whistleblower Invesigations
20. Assessing Workplace Culture Following Allegations of Improper Conduct