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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Hanks Australian Constitutional Law Materials and Commentary 11th ed isbn 9780409350777

Hanks Australian Constitutional Law, Materials and Commentary 10th ed

ISBN13: 9780409341973
New Edition ISBN: 9780409350777
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780409331813
Published: October 2016
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book considers the concepts underlying our Constitution and explores constitutional decision-making in context. It reviews all of the important constitutional decisions of the High Court of Australia, and exposes the issues that arise in those decisions to a critical analysis. The book covers all major areas of study in both constitutional law and public law.

Updates for this edition include the two Williams cases in which the High Court reworked the executive power of the Commonwealth to contract and spend; recent cases developing the Kable principles and considering the validity of State laws against Chapter III implications; important recent cases on the implied freedom of political communication; recent cases on s 92 of the Constitution dealing with internet trade and commerce.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. An Introduction to Australian Constitutional Law
2. Commonwealth Legislative Powers
3. Federalism: the Legal Relations
4. Federalism: the Fiscal Relations
5. The Parliaments and Legislative Procedures
6. The Executive
7. The Australian Judicial System
8. Rights and Freedoms;