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A Practical Guide to Investment Treaties: Asia Pacific

ISBN13: 9780409340709
Published: July 2015
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £110.00

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In this complex area of law a concise and practical guide has been missing - until now. A Practical Guide to Investment Treaties: Asia Pacific offers an explication of the core principles of international investment law, as affected by a bilateral or a multilateral investment treaty.

Containing an analysis of the key protections in over 500 treaties involving States from the Asia-Pacific region, this text provides an introduction to the structure, content, and application of those treaties, with a focus on the experiences and future of this field in the region.

The key protections afforded by investment treaties and the means by which those protections can be enforced are set out in a concise and accessible manner.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. Introduction

2. Provisions Defining Scope and Application of the Treaty

Key Standards of Treatment
3. Expropriation
4. Fair and Equitable Treatment
5. Protection and Security
6. National Treatment
7. Most Favoured Nation Treatment
8. Arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable impairment
9. Umbrella Clauses
10. Free Transfer of Funds

Dispute Settlement
11. Disputes between Contracting States to an Investment Treaty
12. Disputes between a Foreign Investor and the Host State
13. Compensation, Damages and other Remedies in Investor-State Disputes
14. Annulment, Set-Aside and Enforcement of Investor-State Arbitral Awards
15. Conclusion

Appendix 1 – overview of selected investment treaties in Asia-Pacific
Appendix 2 – list of publicly-known investor-State disputes
based on a treaty involving parties from Asia-Pacific
Appendix 3 – list of publicly-known investor-State disputes
based on a contract involving parties from Asia-Pacific
Appendix 4 – selected investment treaties
Appendix 5 – selected practice precedents