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 Jonathan Karas

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition is due, details can be seen here:
The Law of Liability Insurance 4th ed isbn 9780409357035

The Law of Liability Insurance 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780409334098
New Edition ISBN: 9780409357035
Previous Edition ISBN: 0409320498
Published: October 2013
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Hardback, 2 Volumes
Price: Out of print

The Law of Liability Insurance addresses a specialist niche of law with comprehensive coverage of common law and statute. Liability insurance provides indemnity against loss to the insured flowing from their liability to another.

Types of liability insurance discussed in this two volume work include: motor vehicle, product liability, directors' and officers', employers' liability, professional indemnity, householders' liability, home contents, occupiers' liability, aviation.

The Law of Liability Insurance is the decisive title covering the fundamental areas of insurance liability. This new edition has been substantially revised and updated. The area of insurance has changed significantly since the publication of the second edition in 2005. The authors' renowned expertise have woven these developments throughout the new edition and offer insightful analysis and vital references.

The purpose of The Law of Liability Insurance is to provide for practitioners and insurers a practical discussion of matters where controversy arises, and to provide the authorities upon which the discussion is based.


  • Comprehensive two volume
  • High level practitioner work
  • Detailed reference to authorities on subjects discussed, with commentary on their relevance and validity.
  • References to articles by learned authors on specific issues.
  • Extensive Index to contents

Insurance Law, Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Chapter 1: Liability Insurance
Chapter 2: The Contract of Insurance
Chapter 3: Construction
Chapter 4: Utmost Good Faith and Disclosure
Chapter 5: The Proposal and Misrepresentation
Chapter 6: Interim Cover
Chapter 7: The Policy
Chapter 8: The Cover
Chapter 9: Conditions.