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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Fisher and Lightwood's Law of Mortgage 3rd Australian Edition isbn 9780409332599

Fisher and Lightwood's Law of Mortgage 2nd Australian Edition

ISBN13: 9780409321746
ISBN: 0409321745
New Edition ISBN: 9780409332599
Published: November 2005
Publisher: LexisNexis Australia
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This is the essential text on Australian mortgages and securities. Written by leading authorities in the area, and frequently cited in the courts, this well respected book is a market leader.

Maintaining the high standards of the classic English text, this second Australian edition is thoroughly revised to take into account the legislative and case law movement in the Australian market since the first Australian edition in 1995. In particular, this edition has greater emphasis on the Torrens system when dealing with mortgages of real property.

Including detailed text on all aspects of mortgages of both real and personal property, it also includes material on liens, mortgage by deposit, bills of sale legislation in various states, slip mortgages, avoiding conduct, limitations of actions in various states, and mortgagees in possession.

With up-to-date coverage and comprehensive treatment of principles, legislation and case law (Australia, UK and other Commonwealth countries), this authoritative text is the seminal text in Australia on mortgage law.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
Mortgages and Charges
Parties to Mortgages
The Mortgagor's Rights
Void or Imperfect Securities
Transfer and Devolution of Mortgages
The Mortgagee's Remedies
Priorities of Mortgages
Incidence of the Mortgage Debt
Discharge of the Mortgage
Accounts and Costs
Taxation Considerations;
Miscellaneous Matters