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Reports of Patent Cases 1884 - 1996 Only

Edited by: Butterworths

ISBN13: 9780406998729
ISBN: 0406998728
Published: January 1997
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £31755.00

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

The Reports of Patent Cases are the most comprehensive treatment of the case law of intellectual property currently available. Subjects covered include patents, trade marks, service marks and trade names, copyright, passing off, and registered designs.

Many reports are contributed by barristers, solicitors and members of the judiciary and the series has been edited by acknowledged experts in the field. Cases are drawn from a number of jurisdictions in addition to the United Kingdom, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India and South Africa. Decisions from the European Patent Office are also given full coverage.

The Reports of Patent Cases are easy to use. Volumes contain alphabetical tables of cases reported with accompanying catchwords as an aid to research. The volumes also include tables of defendants’ names in actions, tables of cases noted in the reported judgments, tables of statutes and statutory instruments and full indexes. To enhance the value of the judgments reported, relevant diagrams and illustrations are clearly and accurately reproduced.

Major Works
This is a Digest of Annual Digests of Vols.
1-72 of the Reports of Patent Cases; covering the years 1883 to 1955.; In general, the abstracts are given in their original form, ;(though in some cases errors have been corrected; or two abstracts of a case consolidated); and have been left under their original headings.
Supplement 1 (for Patent Cases); will be found at the end of Volume 2. ;Supplement 2 (for Trade Mark cases) will be found at the end of Volume 3.;